Some considerations on the relationship between the Elements of the Philosophy of Law and The Science of Logic. An approach from Slavoj Žižek




metaphysics, Elements of the Philosophy of Law, The Science of Logic, Žižek, concept


While contemporary interpreters of Hegel have generally made significant efforts to distance themselves from the metaphysical aspects of his work, this separation appears incongruent with the understanding provided by the author himself, beyond the explanatory value that such distancing may lend. On the contrary, considering the effective relationship between the Elements of the Philosophy of Law and The Science of Logic, the development of the concept and its implications for the concept of law can only be adequately understood through a joint reading of both works. In this sense, a radical perspective on the consequences of Hegel’s thought is offered by Žižek, who sees the philosopher from Stuttgart as a continuation of the Kantian critical project but taken to its ultimate conclusions. This interpretation has a series of consequences for understanding Hegel’s legal thought that not only allows for a restricted view to the author’s era but also enables an approach to the legal matters in our time.

Author Biography

Sebastián Vera Briones, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Chile y Máster en Pensamiento Filosófico Contemporáneo por la Universidad de Valencia. Actualmente Doctorando en Pensamiento Filosófico Conteporáneo de la Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l’Educació por la Universidad de Valencia.


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How to Cite

Vera Briones, S. (2023). Some considerations on the relationship between the Elements of the Philosophy of Law and The Science of Logic. An approach from Slavoj Žižek. Littera Scripta, (6), 76–100.


